Clemson Marine Corps Officer Candidates

Although Clemson University does not currently have a Marine Corps ROTC program, Marine Corps Officer Candidates have held a strong and ever-growing presence at Clemson in recent years. These Marine Corps Officer Candidates are students at Clemson University who aspire to attend and excel at Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS). Afterwards they will graduate with their degrees and earn their commissions into the U.S. Marine Corps as 2nd Lieutenants.

We at Clemson Corps embrace our Marine candidates as part of our Clemson family. We are in direct collaboration with the Marine Officer Selection Station located in Charlotte, NC to produce the highest quality future Marine officers. The Semper Fi Society is also a student-led organization at Clemson dedicated to providing support and camaraderie for our Marine candidates. Each year, along with our Air Force and Army ROTC cadets, we hold commissioning ceremonies for our Marine Corps Officer Candidates to honor their transition from civilians to Marine officers.

As with our Air Force and Army ROTC cadets and Student Veterans, we provide direct support to our Marine Corps Officer Candidates by providing funding and scholarships.

You can help support our mission as well! Click the link down below to donate in support of scholarships and funds for Clemson Marine Corps Officer Candidates!

Semper Fidelis! Go Tigers!