How We Started
On June 6, 1996 the Military Heritage Plaza was officially dedicated. After the dedication the Clemson classes of 1950, 1951, 1952, and 1953 who planned and donated to the Plaza wanted to do more to support Clemson’s military.

Army Major (Ret.) Bill Laffoday, Clemson ’51 (left) with Army Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jimmy Mullinax, Clemson ’94 (center), and Air Force Col. (Ret.) Sandy Edge, Clemson ’72 (right).
One of those alumni who aspired to dedicate more to Clemson’s military was Major Bill Laffoday, Clemson ’51. Maj. Laffoday is remembered as the main force behind the naming and formation of the Clemson Corps. He remembers a meeting held on Veterans Day in November 1996 that took place in the Air Force ROTC in Tillman Hall to discuss transferring funds that was left over from the Plaza construction to support the ROTC programs. The following were present: Maj. Bill Laffoday, Dick Mattox, Dave Moorhead, Col. Sandy Edge, Professor of Aerospace Studies, Lt. Col. Bill Millar, Professor of Military Science, and Ann Smith, Director of Annual Giving. Maj. Laffoday called this meeting “The First Clemson Corps meeting”.
At the time, the Army and Air Force ROTC commissioning numbers at Clemson had declined. By 1997 both services only produced 18 Second Lieutenants. The University President received a letter that year from the Department of Defense advising that the Army program was put on a two-year probation and if the program did not show significant improvement, it would be terminated.
In response to this, Lt. Col. Bill Millar, Professor of Military Science, and Col. Sandy Edge, Professor of Aerospace Studies, met with Maj. Laffoday and Dave Moorhead. They met in hopes that the alumni organization could raise money for ROTC scholarships and promote events such as Military Appreciation Day to provide more visibility for the ROTC programs. Increased scholarship money and visibility would assist in recruitment of ROTC cadets, increase ROTC enrollment, and thereby help both programs meet their commissioning missions. The alumni organization would also showcase and preserve the military heritage and traditions of Clemson University. Maj. Laffoday and Dave Moorhead were highly supportive of this initiative, and they were equally impressed upon hearing the testimonies of two Clemson ROTC cadets: Elizabeth Dargle (Army ROTC Cadet Battalion Commander) and Adam Berlew (Army ROTC Cadet).
Inspired by the passion of the ROTC commanders and cadets, Maj. Laffoday and Dave Moorhead would go on to support the creation of an ROTC Alumni Organization that ultimately became the Clemson Corps. The dedicated work of Bill Laffoday, Dave Moorhead. and many other like them created and sustained the Clemson Corps and ensured the viability of Clemson’s ROTC programs.
As a result of their efforts, on April 24, 1998 the Clemson Corps Air Force/Army ROTC Grant-in Aid Fund was created from the balance of the Air Force and Army endowments that existed at that time. This document was revised on April 1, 1999 to create the Clemson Corps Quasi-Endowment. The stated purpose was to provide assistance to grant-in-aid Air Force and Army students and to be used for other purposes deemed appropriate by the department. The Quasi-Endowment was revised again on June 17, 2002.

Clemson Corps’ founding members at our 25th anniversary celebration. Pictured are Lt. Col. (Ret.) Bill Millar, Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Gene Blackwell, Army Maj. (Ret) Dawson Luke, Air Force Col. (Ret.) Alton Whitley, and Air Force Col. (Ret.) Sandy Edge.
The first recorded Clemson Corps board meeting was held June 6, 1998 at the Madren Center. Lt. Gen. Blackwell served as the first board president; Maj., Bill Laffoday served as vice president; and Col. Al Whitley served as secretary.
Twelve were in attendance including Dr. R. C. Edwards, former university president, Dick Mattox, and Ann Smith. The stated purpose of the meeting was to review activities, summarize accomplishments, and plan for a Kickoff Campaign on September 28, 1998. Items discussed included:
• An updated committee roster was provided.
• The Honorary members of the board had been contacted.
• The “Clemson Corps” was announced at the Alumni General Assembly luncheon June 6, 1998.
• Plans for a half-time event that included Dotting the “I” and involving the Senior Platoon were discussed.
Since Clemson Corps’ founding and first meetings in 1998, it has since expanded its efforts to not only supporting Clemson Army and Air Force ROTC cadets, but also Marine Corps Officer Candidates and Student Veterans. In addition, Clemson Corps has played a vital role in perpetuating Clemson’s military heritage through Military Appreciation Week every November, dedicating memorials on Clemson’s campus to our alumni who served, and providing scholarships to military-affiliated students.
We celebrated our 25th anniversary on April 24th, 2023 at our annual Senior Donor Dinner. At the dinner, we welcomed many of our founding members in attendance: Lt. Col. (Ret.) Bill Millar, Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Gene Blackwell, Army Maj. (Ret) Dawson Luke, Air Force Col. (ret.) Alton Whitley, and Air Force Col. (Ret.) Sandy Edge.

Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Gene Blackwell spoke as the guest speaker for Clemson Corps’ 25th anniversary.

The Clemson Corps celebrated its 25th anniversary at its 2023 Senior Dinner event in Littlejohn Coliseum April 24, 2023.

The Clemson Corps celebrated its 25th anniversary at its 2023 Senior Dinner event in Littlejohn Coliseum April 24, 2023.
Though our history as an organization may be relatively brief, Clemson Corps’ impact on Clemson University and our military community has been tremendous. We are passionate about honoring our military alumni, perpetuating our military heritage, and keeping the tradition of military service alive.
Chairmen of Clemson Corps
Mike Mendonca
2019 - 2021
Steve Best
2017 - 2019
Lance Young
2015 - 2017
Frank Cox
2013 - 2015
Ed De Iulio
2011 - 2013
Dave Lyle
2009 - 2011
Danny Rhodes
2005 - 2007
Hap Carr
2003 - 2005
Jack Carter
2001 - 2003
Bill Laffoday
1999 - 2001
Detailed Timeline
June 6, 1996 – Military Heritage Plaza was officially dedicated.
1997: Clemson University President Constatine Curris receives letter from Department of Defense (DOD) advising Clemson Army ROTC Program is on two-year probation, furthermore, advising if no marked improvement in participation program would be terminated.
1997: Lt. Col. Bill Millar, Army Professor of Military Science, initiates meeting to discuss founding a combined Army/Air Force ROTC Alumni Organization and its Mission Statement. In attendance Col. Sandy Edge, Maj. Bill Laffoday, Dave Moorhead, and two Clemson Cadets. Meeting was focused on increasing participation and sustaining enrollment in ROTC Programs through scholarships and increased visibility.
April 24, 1998 – Clemon Corps Army & Air Force ROTC Grant-in Aide Fund Created
June 6, 1998 – First recorder Board meeting of Clemson Corps – LTC Blackwell President presiding, Bill Laffoday Vice-President, Al Whitley Secretary
June 6, 1998 – The Clemson Corps is announced at the Alumni General Assembly Luncheon as a new organization
April 1, 1999 – Grant-in Aide Fund document revised creating Clemson Corps Quasi-Endowment
April 10, 1999 – The Clemson Corps constitution was created and signed by Lt. Col. Blackwell, Maj. Laffoday, and Debbie DuBose, Foundation Vice President.
June 17, 2002 – Clemson Corps Quasi-Endowment revised to current document
April 24th, 2023 – Clemson Corps celebrates its 25th Anniversary